Story Time with Ms. Fox

Sharing with you a great read.  

Never let your fear of do something keep you from trying.

Thank you for tuning in to 

Monday's with Michelle

This story Miss Maple's Seeds is being read to you by 
Mrs. Michelle Obama

Tonight's guest reader is none other than former 

First Lady, Mrs. Michelle Obama! 


The story being read is, The Gruffalo

I do hope you enjoy.  Feel free to leave your comment. :) 

Anytime that you wish to connect with and join us for Story Time, just click this link, 

Tonight's reading is Abuela

Tonight's reading is Curious George rides a bike!

Tonight's reading is Olive My Love, 

Tonight's reading is Caps For Sale

Tonight's reading is Ms. Marlarkey Leaves No Reader Behind


  1. I love Story Time with Mrs. Fox! Thank you for posting and reading each night. I miss our Norton Park family!

    1. The kids and parents are enjoying it too. I have regulars that tune in. I try to give them time to engage with one another afterwards. You should be a guest reader, I'm seeking them out. They would be so surprised. Maybe i'll see you there. Let me know if you'd like an invite.


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